
领导 Experience and Advancement Program in STEM

The 领导 Experience and Advancement Program in STEM (飞跃) provides scholarships, a unique bridge program, summer research experience, individual mentoring, 职业发展机会 in an effort to build 弹性 and confidence in future STEM leaders.


As a 飞跃 Scholar, you will receive a scholarship of 最高可达$10,000 每年你都在中北部, that can be combined with any other financial awards you receive. For example, transfer students may be eligible for a Transfer Excellence, Merit, or Success Scholarship, ranging from $23,500 to $28,000 per academic year. Plus, you’ll have opportunities related to your 飞跃 activities to receive an 额外的 $6,500 in stipend support for summer activities and leadership development. 飞跃 is funded through a grant award to North Central by the National Science Foundation.

不过,飞跃不仅仅是一项奖学金. It is a supported effort to help students maximize their college experience, 按时毕业, 为STEM职业生涯做准备.

飞跃 begins with the premise that all students have strengths that can be developed. This strengths-based approach is tailored to your unique abilities, 学术准备, 职业抱负. 通过培养领导力, 弹性, 和自我效能感, 飞跃 supports your academic journey from Day 1 to graduation. 通过暑期调研, 教师指导, 职业规划, you will leave North Central with the tools you need to succeed in graduate school or a career in STEM.


All 飞跃 scholars must meet the following criteria:

  1. 有很高的学术前景(GPA不低于2).5优先)
  2. Be Pell eligible as determined by the submission of a Free Application for Federal Student 援助 (FAFSA)
  3. 主修 生物学, 计算机科学环境科学; 环境研究, 数学, or 神经科学

Note: 飞跃 has been designed specifically to benefit transfer students. However, all students who meet the eligibility requirements are encouraged to apply. No preference for transfer status is applied during awarding of scholarships.






In the summer prior to the starting semester at North Central, 飞跃 Scholars will participate in a twice-a-month summer bridge program that begins your leadership journey! 学者会建立人际关系, 确定他们的个人优势, 熟悉校园, develop a sense of community with other 飞跃 Scholars and with the college. Scholars who complete the bridge program will receive $750.



Before you even begin taking classes at North Central, you have a guaranteed spot to participate in summer research with faculty. This summer experience will be the beginning of your training for a career as a STEM professional. Scholars participating in summer research will receive a $2,250 stipend.



从你被录取的那一刻起, 你将拥有一支由中北部教师组成的团队, 工作人员, students at your side to personalize and guide you through your experience as a STEM major at North Central. 您的MAP团队将包括您专业的教师, 的同学, 以及来自学术咨询的代表, 职业发展, 财政援助. This will ensure you 按时毕业 while maximizing the opportunities you have at North Central.  



From the very beginning of your time as a 飞跃 Scholar, you will focus on identifying and using your individual strengths to help you succeed. You will develop a leadership plan with your mentorship team that marks a path to success in course work, 课外活动, 职业规划. There is also an opportunity to earn a 领导 Certificate through the 领导力,道德和价值观课程 after completing certain coursework and activities. If Scholars pursue a curricular leadership program at North Central, they will be invited to apply for a 领导 Fellows Scholarship ($3,500).


The application to become a 飞跃 Scholar will be posted in October. You will need a personal statement describing your curiosity, 激情, 和对STEM的期望, a letter of recommendation from a STEM teacher who knows you well. 如果你被选为半决赛, you will be asked to complete a personal interview with the 飞跃 selection committee.


  • 秋天或春天:参加飞跃虚拟信息会议和 参观校园 (可选)
  • By 2月9日星期五: 向中北申请入学 and submit official transcripts from all schools attended
  • By 2月23日星期五: Receive admission decision and academic scholarship; submit your FAFSA (学校代码:001734).
  • By 3月8日星期五: Submit 飞跃 scholarship application materials through the 学术著作奖学金门户网站
  • By 3月22日获得飞跃奖学金的决定. You’ll soon after receive a complete financial aid award package, outlining all awarded scholarships.
  • By 4月1日:  提交入学保证金 到中北部并接受飞跃奖学金.
  • 4月2日:收到飞跃欢迎礼包:
    • 指导团队组成
    • 暑期研究机会列表 
    • 为夏季桥梁项目准备材料
    • 建议/课程选择细节
  • In 5月初在您的MAP团队注册课程
  • 夏天: Attend the 夏季桥牌项目 (meetings twice a month beginning in mid-May) and participate in summer research
  • 8月中旬:秋季学期开始



If you have any questions about 飞跃, please feel free to contact 里德帕金斯 (rmperkins@noctrl.edu)或乔安娜Weremijewicz (jweremijewicz@noctrl.edu).

This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Award No. 2221160. 任何意见, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.